Our Programs

We impact lives through the following programs

Restoration of degraded ecosystem

The restoration program focuses on improving the health and diversity of ecosystems. It includes tree planting, natural regeneration and assisted natural regeneration. 

Tree planting is used to establish new tree populations in depleted or degraded areas, while natural regeneration allows native plant species to repopulate on their own. 

Assisted natural regeneration is a combination of both, where native plant species growth is promoted through methods like seed dispersal and weed control. The goal is to restore the balance and resilience of ecosystems through the promotion of native plant growth and diversity.

Food security and Livelihood

Promotion of sustainable agriculture, agrobiodiversity, agroecology, agroforestry, organic farming and forest gardening for the rural small-scale farmers. 

Supporting local livelihood development with alternative income generating options such as bee keeping, cassava processing, animal husbandry, and processing of non-timber forest products (NTFPs).

Food security is improved, income is increased, and production is made more environmentally friendly through applying ecological innovations and locally adapted cultivation and production methods. When trees are planted in between crops on farmland in specific ways this can increase the income of farmers by increasing crop yields.


Conservation of threatened trees and animal species. Promote Education for Sustainable Development in communities around protected areas. Support continues Research and Bio monitoring. Support ecotourism development

The target animal species are facing innumerable threats ranging from habitat destruction, rampant hunting, poaching, trafficking, as well as inadequate conservation measures and education in the target region

To make the situation worse, there is lack of community education and awareness on conservation. In this context, conducting dynamic sensitization and awareness programmes as well as rainforest expedition and training on biomonitoring, will improve active community participation and engagement to collectively address conservation issues related to the target species.

The relatively intact highland rainforests of Cameroon’s South West region are home to populations of Critically Endangered Cross River gorillas, chimpanzees and other species. They are threatened with extinction due to habitat loss, the Anglophone crisis, the bush meat and corona virus crises. 

Working with resident communities and internally displaced people, our project seeks to protect great apes and their habitat while also developing local rural economies through regenerative, climate-smart, socially inclusive, nature-based livelihood activities, addressing human development needs.

Help us restore degraded landscapes, improve the lives of smallholder farmers, and regenerate forests by making a donation.